Norbury High School for Girls

Wandle Learning Trust Consultation FAQs

What does this mean for The Manor Trust?

Joining a different multi-academy trust (MAT) has considerable benefits. Working in formal partnership with other academies offers a number of possibilities that would enhance and secure the capacity and long-term future of our schools. The Manor Trust has reflected on the range of partnerships and relationships it holds with other schools and MATs. On the basis of this reflection, the board came to the view that Wandle Learning Trust (WLT) was a ‘good fit’ for The Manor Trust's schools as it is very much aligned with our trust's aims and values.

How will becoming part of the Wandle Learning Trust benefit the school and its students?

We will develop close partnerships working with other WLT schools, allowing staff to focus and deepen their knowledge of specific areas of work.

Staff will have access to enhanced professional development and career progression opportunities across the MAT as part of a ‘family’ of schools. This would include the early career teacher (ECT) programme, maths hub, English hub, early years hub, Little Wandle phonics and the teaching school that already exists within the Wandle Learning Trust.

Schools appointing staff from within WLT would reduce the challenge and risk associated with external recruitment.

A core team of staff can work in a supportive partnership to ensure resources are used most effectively. This provides protection for an individual school as it is part of a larger organisation and leads to a reduction in duplication - for example, around policy development or the introduction of new initiatives and responsibilities.

It will improve efficiencies for all schools by procuring goods and services across the trust; this includes back-office services (such as HR, health and safety and IT) and teaching resources. This is particularly important with reduced funds currently available to schools.

Will our school become a co-ed (mixed) school?


Will the students' age ranges remain the same?


Will the school need to change its name?

No. The school's name will be retained.

Who will I be able to complain to if I am unhappy with the school?

Currently, parents/carers are asked to follow the Norbury High School for Girls Complaints Policy, available here:

Will staff stay the same?

Yes, all staff would transfer to Wandle Learning Trust under the TUPE process (read more about this below).

My child receives free school meals. Will they continue to do so when the schools join WLT?


Will the uniform change?


Could there be cuts to academy funding in the future?

Any changes to funding will apply to academies and local authority schools equally. The trust and the local academy committee would be responsible for setting a balanced budget each year.

What input do parents/carers have as part of the consultation/decision making process?

This consultation forms part of the overall consultation process. Your views, alongside those of other stakeholders, will be considered by governors as part of the decision-making process. The governors will, however, make the final decision on whether to join the trust once they have considered the responses to the consultation.

What changes would we see?

There would be very little that would change in the day-to-day running of the school. The current leadership team would continue to lead and drive forward improvements at the school.

WLT does not determine what curriculum schools must follow or how it should be taught. Rather, it encourages and supports the governors and leadership team of each school to develop their curriculum in a way that best supports the students and communities they serve.

There will not, therefore, be any immediate or significant change in curriculum delivery. Curriculum does evolve and change, however, and as a school within WLT there may be things we can learn and share with other schools in the trust. But any changes made would be in response to the needs of our students. The views of parents and carers will remain important in any decisions concerning changes that may take place in the future.

There would still be governors overseeing the school. They would form a Local Academy Committee (LAC) and all current governors would have the opportunity to transfer across to this committee without change if they choose to. There would also still be elected parent governors on the Local Academy Committee.

The governors of the school and Wandle Learning Trust are committed to adhering to national agreements on pay and conditions and have no plans to alter term dates. The school would be subject to the same Ofsted inspection framework as it is currently.

The employment rights of all current members of staff would be protected by TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings [Protection of Employment]) regulations. This means that the staff would transfer to the Wandle Learning Trust under the same terms and conditions of employment they enjoy now. Pension rights and continuity of service record would be preserved. Should this proposal go ahead, a separate process regarding TUPE will be undertaken with staff. Wandle Learning Trust has adopted the same pay scales and terms and conditions as those negotiated nationally and locally for teachers and support staff.

Where can I find further information?

Further information about WLT, including short biographies of the key leaders of the trust including its Chair, Sian Mathias, the trustees and co-CEO’S, Mark Siswick and Christian Kingsley, can be found here:

Further information about academies can be obtained from the Department for Education website:

Questions can be addressed to members of the leadership team or governors. Please also attend our consultation meetings.