Norbury High School for Girls

Contact Us

Norbury High School for Girls

Kensington Avenue
Thornton Heath

Tel: 020 8679 0062

Please note our school is situated in a Healthy School Streets zone. Please look out for signs detailing restricted times.

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Please direct general enquiries to Ms T. Murley using the email address above. Our headteacher is Mrs M. Hayden. Written communication for Joyce Bosa, the chair of our local governing body, can be sent to the postal address above.
Norbury High School for Girls is part of The Manor Trust ( The trust can be contacted by telephone (020 8679 0062), email ( or by using the postal address above.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms C. Rollins ( Our SEN Coordinator is Mrs A Dancy (
Our Data Protection Officer is:
Should you require paper copies of any of the documents or information on this website please contact our Web and Communications Manager, Mr S. Ireland.
Norbury High School for Girls is part of The Manor Trust, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company number 07843573. Registered office: Norbury High School for Girls, Kensington Avenue, Thornton Heath, Croydon CR7 8BT. Tel: 020 8679 0062.