New Year 7 Students

Welcome, new year 7 students. Congratulations on securing a place at Norbury High School for Girls.
My name is Ms Campbell and I will be your head of year when you join us in September. We have a big team of tutors, year group heads and deputies who all work together alongside other key staff.
We know this is a difficult time for our new year 7s but don’t worry, we’ll do our best to make the transition to secondary education as smooth as possible.
Please watch the video below and read the information (also below) as well as familiarising yourself with the attachments at the bottom of the page to get acquainted with your new school; you'll find experiences from current year 7 girls as well as other useful information including frequently asked questions.
(Parents/carers, you should have received a username and password by email on the 9th July for our Applicaa service. Please follow this link and ensure you have logged in, completed the forms and examined the attached documents before the 20th July. Please contact Admissions by email if you experience any problems. You'll also find a host of useful items on our Forms, Information and Links page including instructions on how to download our free smartphone app.)
If you have any questions or concerns about the transition to high school please feel free to contact me via email:
We are looking forward to welcoming you to your new school.
Sending you and your families my very best wishes,
Is it scary on your first day?
Of course it is. However, this is normal. All girls will feel worried, anxious or scared on the first day. This is because you are entering a new era of your life with unfamiliar surroundings. Don't worry, though - after the first day most girls feel a lot better. If you are still worried after a few days please speak to your form tutor.
What do I do if I am late for school?
You must sign in at the attendance office. You will be given a sticker which will tell you when you have to complete a late detention.
Will I get lost?
Probably, yes! It is quite normal to get a bit confused in the first week as the school is new to you. Don’t worry though, as a map will be given to all girls to help you find your way around. Older students are also very happy to show new girls where lessons are.
What do I need to bring to school?
You will need pencils, pens, erasers and a ruler. You will also need your planner and a reading book.
What should I do if I lose something?
Retrace your steps and check any places you have been. Check lost property. Make sure you label everything as this will make it easier to identify what is yours, and even have it returned to you if found by someone else.
Can I bring my phone to school?
Yes, you can; however, there are strict rules regarding mobile phones. All phones must be switched off before you pass through the school gate and placed out of sight. Once by your locker, the phone must be placed in there switched off until you leave the school compound at the end of the day. If a phone is seen or heard by staff, it will be confiscated.
Is the food any good?
Yes! We are a healthy school and there is a lot to choose from including hot food, a salad bar and sandwiches. You are also welcome to bring your own packed lunch.
Can I go home for lunch?
No, you must stay on the school premises at break and lunch time.
Can I wear jewellery?
Only one pair of gold or silver round studs are permitted. The only other jewellery allowed is the Sikh bangle.
What next?
If you like, you can take the Bedrock Learning summer challenge and discover the world! (This is a voluntary fun activity if you'd like something to do over the holidays.)