Norbury High School for Girls

Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The pupil premium (PP) is a type of funding. The school receives the pupil premium each academic year from the government. The amount is determined by the number of students receiving free school meals (FSM) currently or within the last six years (Ever6), the number of looked after children (LAC) within the school and the number of previously looked after students who have been adopted from care. The government provides this funding to ensure that these students achieve as highly as possible and in line nationally with their non-pupil-premium peers. 

The pupil premium is an essential part of our funding which helps the school proceed in accordance with its values.

Use of the Pupil Premium

Details of how we currently spend our pupil premium are outlined in our Pupil Premium strategy (see the attachment at the bottom of this page).

Impact of Pupil Premium spending

For detailed information about how we spend our pupil premium see the attachments at the bottom of this page.