Norbury High School for Girls

School Hours

Please note: times may be subject to change e.g. during examination periods. In such cases, advance notice will be given.


  AM registration/assembly  08.30 - 08.55 (except Thursdays when students go directly to Period 1)
  Period 1  08.55 - 09.55 
  Period 2  09.55 - 10.55
  Break  10.55 - 11.15
  Period 3  11.15 - 12.15
  Period 4  12.15 - 13.15
  Lunch  13.15 - 14.15
  Period 5  14.15 - 15.15
  PM Registration  15.15 - 15.25
  Period 6  15.25 - 16.25


  AM registration/assembly  08.35–09.00
  Period 1  09.00–09.50 
  Period 2  09.50–10.40
  Break  10.40–11.00
  Period 3  11.00–11.50
  Period 4  11.50–12.40
  Lunch  12.40–13.35
  Period 5  13.35–14.25
  Period 6  14.25–15.15
  PM Registration  15.15–15.25
  Period 7  15.25–16.15