Number Day 2025

Annual fundraising event for NSPCC raises over £700
This year's NSPCC Number Day, on Friday 7th February, was a huge success.
As usual, the focus was on helping our students with their numeracy learning while also raising money for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).
Events included a Mental Maths Bee involving over 30 students. One of our talented year 7 students was the last one standing after showing great composure to correctly answer the final question with 17 others still in the game.
A Dragons' Den-style competition showcased innovation, hard work and creativity. Overall, the teams raised an impressive £665.44; Ameena Rehman from Year 10 deserves a special mention after collecting an incredible £310.65 by selling sweet treats!
A dedicated team of sixth formers toured the school with fundraising buckets. Their commitment during free periods and form-time was much appreciated and enabled them to raise £58.45 for the NSPCC.
The Puzzle Raffle event was won by a year 7 entrant who completed a remarkable 25 puzzles!
The school also had the pleasure of welcoming visitors from the banking, marketing and psychology fields and many of our year 10 cohort stayed on afterwards to learn more and explore potential work experience opportunities.
Overall, the school raised a total of £720 for the NSPCC. Thanks to all those who took part, donated, helped out and organised.