Norbury High School for Girls


Key Stage 4 Options

All key stage 4 students follow courses leading to public examinations (GCSE or BTEC) in a range of subjects, including a minimum core of English, maths and science as well as non-examined courses in PE; PSHE and RSE; and World Views. PSHE is taught during weekly lessons and students will also complete work experience in year 10.

During year 9, students choose the subjects they will follow in years 10 and 11. Students follow one of two pathways leading to GCSE and vocational level 2 qualifications. Maths, English and science continue to be taught in sets. Optional subjects run across the entire year group and may be taught to groups of mixed ability.

Year 9 Option Choices

Year 9 students learned about individual key stage 4 subjects during a series of dedicated assemblies led by heads of department with the aim of helping them make informed choices. The next stage in our year 9 options process is detailed below - please follow the steps to prepare and take part:

1. Come to our Options Evening

We are delighted to invite students and their parents/carers to our options evening on Wednesday 29th January 2025. Please join us for a talk about the options process in the Main Hall at 17.30 and again at 18.15. This will be followed by an opportunity for students and their parents to find out about the subjects on offer and speak to professionals at our careers fair; the evening will conclude at 20.00.

2. Read the Options Booklet

This contains more detail about the options pathways and individual subjects. A hard copy will be given to students during the options evening and a digital copy will be available to download from the bottom of this page from Thursday 30th January 2025.

3. Submit your options

Options should be submitted via Applicaa. A link to this form will be sent to students' email addresses after Options Evening.

For more information, contact Mr Dale, Assistant Headteacher, or Ms Ryder Owen, Deputy Headteacher.