Norbury High School for Girls



The school has forged a number of mutually beneficial partnerships over the years. Among the organisations we are affiliated with are Goldsmiths, the University of Sussex,  St Mary's University and UCL Institute of Education, where many of our student teachers are trained. The college has been awarded Specialist Partner (Initial Teacher Training) status by UCL Institute of Education.

We share expertise and resources with Kensington Avenue Primary School, a fellow academy overseen by The Manor Trust. We also maintain close contact with a further six primaries - Norbury Manor Primary School, Downsview Primary School, Kingsley Primary School, Winterbourne Girls Junior School, Elmwood Junior School and Purley Oaks Primary School

Our partnership with Olive Dining, provider of the school's catering services, has enabled Norbury High - the first secondary school in Croydon to be awarded the Healthy Schools London Silver Award - to maintain our high standards.